Hello! I am Maggie from Maggie’s Kinder Corner! Having spent more than 30 years in education, primarily as a Kindergarten teacher, I have a lot to share! In addition to running a teacher resource business and provide music services for our local school, I learn about current practices, then combine that knowledge with the experience I have in creating resources that work!
What makes me tick?
My family, including my husband of 45 years, my sons, their wives, and six grandsons, as well as my aging dad (a former minister) are the most important thing in my life. They are the first consideration, but I consider myself and my own well-being as part of the equation. In 2019, I began caring for my dad after mom was diagnosed, then succombed to cancer. He has dementia, so the territory is everychanging. It is hard! But it is also rewarding. My husband is a huge part of keeping me sane as I care for dad and everything else! He is also one of the best shopping partners! He is trained to spot a Michael’s or Hobby Lobby find very quickly! We married in 1976!
Which brings me to my “Happy Place”
My sweet puppy, Louie Boudreaux! He just turned 1 year old, and he is a hot mess! LOL He is learning so quickly to follow commands! Just today, he obediently followed my command to go to his crate because “Da Papaw” needed to get up and take care of things. Love it! If you have a pet, you know what I mean by happy place. Pets can help us unwind, and they bring out our best selves. He also fills a void in this mama heart, since my sons are grown and have families of their own.
Relaxation doesn’t hurt either! Rest and work go hand in hand!
Why I Keep Working
When you retire from teaching, your teacher brain does not immediately switch to a different mode. In my case, I retired out of necessity, but still have much to do to promote great educational practices. I have had a resource business since 2007, so this was a doable transition. Working within the parameters of caregiver, chief home activities coordinator, and teaching as a business is like walking a high wire. It is doable, but everything must “fit” in a way that does not take away from each responsibility.
Making it Work!
Make a Plan!
Decide what the priorities are for making an impact with your business/service. (mine is to dedicate time each day to my business, and schedule time using a family calendar with already dedicated dates)
Create a “Doable” Schedule With Flexibility
It is easy to fill in a schedule, but to make it work, be sure to plan extra lead in time and set reasonable limits for yourself. Even if you only work fifteen minutes, you are making progress. This approach works for any age, whether you are a new teacher, a mom with young kids, or a retired teacher who still has a lot to contribute.
Here is a FREEBIE, a very simple FREEBIE, a FREEBIE just for you!
You do not have to run out and grab a fancy planner! A clip board or a 3 ring binder and a hole punch works just fine. However, if you want a good planner, the Happy Planner is a good one. I just replace the inserts each year, and I’m good to go. Here is a very simple planning sheet.
This mock-up shows how I plan time to work in my office. It is scheduled around my dad’s needs and other obligations for our choirs, doctor appointments, my husbands appointments (farm and his mother’s doctor appointments), etc. I ONLY put my business schedule on this sheet. Remember: It is flexible. You decide on times and days. It may not be the same from week to week unless you are that rare person who can actually keep a firm schedule (lucky you). Click on the picture to download your own.

Follow me for ideas on how you can ramp up teaching and learning in the kindergarten classroom! There are many FREEBIES posted on this blog, with new content coming!
Maggie’s Monthly Newsletter
This month’s featured FREEBIE: (winter boy, girl and large anchor chart labeling activities)

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