January is off and running! It’s hard to believe we are already 2/3 of the way through the first month of 2017!
Last week, our school was dismissed for an impending ice storm that, thankfully, didn’t come to be. Â During that long weekend, I made plans for teaching my students about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. King is part of my earliest memories. I remember watching the nightly Huntley-Brinkley newscast on NBC. I remember the unrest in the country. Â Even a child 10 years of age could figure out our country was changing.
My clearest memories of Dr. King are of a man with fierce conviction, compassion, and hope that someday: Â people would just be people. Â A hope that race wouldn’t be a consideration in where you live or what job you have. Â Kindness was in his eyes, and in his words. Â When he was shot, I remember seeing the live news reports. Â It was incomprehensible. Â He was a good man. Â How could this happen?
When talking to my students this week, the message of caring, of making this country better, of being a good friend, of helping our community was conveyed. I hope they leave my class understanding they are the light of the future.
Little children may not understand the depth of meaning of racism, but they are a good judge of what kindness is.  They know when someone is their friend, and when someone is not. They see when someone is not being treated fairly.  It is my hope that my students will learn about friendship, caring, and support of others so Dr. King’s Dream will continue.
Here are the portraits (inspired by http://mrspriceskindergators.blogspot.com) Cindy Price. Â Thank you for the wonderful art idea.
This week, our country swore in a new president.  The peaceful transition of power was accomplished, and President Obama handed the job of taking care of our great United States over to President Trump.  It is a process that has taken place 44 times before this January 20.  Imagine that! A peaceful nation, OUR democracy, electing its leaders, upholding the Constitution our country was founded on.  It is nothing less than amazing!
As a teacher of many years (going on 30), I have learned it is important to put aside our personal views in favor of educating our students. Â Over and over during the past 30 years, I have taught students the inportance of respecting our democracy. Â It is what sets us apart from other nations. Â We are free to choose our leaders, free to voice our opinions, free to get an education and much more.
In kindergarten, the main focus is:
We have a voice. Â
We treat others with respect. Â
We respect our country’s rules.
We should respect the Office of the President of the United States. Â
Here are our cute portraits from Inauguration Day.
The previous part of this post was more serious in nature, so it’s time to lighten the mood.
When do you celebrate the 100th Day of School? Our 100th day is this Friday, January 27! So hard to believe we have
been in school 100 days! I will be sharing how we celebrate in the next post.
Have you looked at Oriental Trading’s 100th Day items? I have placed an order to help us celebrate. Stay tuned!
If you want to check out their 100th Day inventory, click he
If you are still teaching about Arctic Animals, you may want to download this FREEBIE:
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