How I found A Favorite Fable…
When I was a young child, I contracted Hep A, and spent part of a school year in the hospital, then rested at home to recover. During that time, my parents purchased great books for me to read. Among the books was one that became my favorite: Aesop’s Fables.
Here is a picture of my original book from the 1960s.
The imagery in each story helped me to see problems that needed solving, and lessons being learned. My favorite was the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. It was easy to see how continuing to cry when there was no reason would cause others not to believe you. It was a hard lesson for the boy, but an important one. The rich text held my attention, and the approaching resolution to each tale was exciting!
It is an honor to partner with Hameray Publishing to present a series of fables that will excite young readers just as my book did.
Familiar fables will help you lead the way to real-world knowledge with Fables and the Real World paired texts. Each theme set pairs one traditional tale with three nonfiction books that are heavy on informational text features, to give your students practice making connections and navigating informational content. We’re raffling off the Fables portion of the series—ten traditional tales at guided reading levels E–I, with whimsical, beautiful illustrations.
I love this set, and believe it will be much more accessible to young readers than the more difficult text from the book I read as a child. If you would like to explore this series and others more closely, follow this link:
Now for the exciting part of this post!!! Hameray has authorized meThose to give a set of these readers to one lucky person one week from today! That means, you need to get your name in the raffle TODAY!!! A winner will be chosen on September 15!
Enter the raffle here:
Don’t forget to enter!!!

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