What could be better than a book with a surprise ending for kindergarteners??? Not many things can compare to the pure pleasure I experience when I watch the little faces in front of me react to a great book like My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza. I was first introduced to this book when our school used the Reading Street series. It has stayed in my library since then, and I pull it out often when I need a good book that keeps kids focused, and lends itself to many opportunities for various book talks.
First of all, the illustrations pull you in to the story.
You feel so sorry for the poor little piggie who is obviously about to be lunch for a hungry fox. Just look at that little guy’s expression! What’s not to love or make you feel empathy for that poor little pig? You can have such a fun session just predicting what may happen…up to the point where the fox is massaging the pig (before he collapses). At this point you need to stop the prediction/discussion and begin reading the entire story from the beginning, because you don’t want to mess up the delight students will have when they see that part of the story.
Loud laughter emits from the little crowd of
onlookers sitting at your feet as you turn to this
page! Here is your big opportunity to teach a
new word.
“Just look at that fox. I think he looks
bewildered. What do you think bewildered
Students offer answers, then you explain
the new word, “bewildered”. LOVE this part of
the lesson.
By the time you reach the page after the one
above, you have them hooked! Those kids are
eating out of your hands! I am not going to spoil
the surprise for you. You’ll have to watch the
youtube story read by Porky Pig to find out what
happens next, and as you may have guessed, the
pig MAY be in charge?
I hope you enjoyed my book review! Now, after
you have watched the video of this story, click on
the button to go to Deanna Jump’s linky! There are
so many great books for children! You’re sure to
find several more “jewels” for your collection!
Here is your little printable sequencing booklet FREEBIE. Just click the pic to download. 🙂
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