I have soooo many students who do not write b or d in the correct orientation this year! What’s up with that??? Here is a little poster I made, and a short poem to sing EVERY day during literacy wall review time. I really hope this will get those letters oriented in those little brains. Maybe it can help your students too! As always, I love comments!

It is confusing to my kids, too!
First Grade Blue SKies
Thanks so much for this freebie! I taught this earlier in the second quarter and it really does work!
jennkeys @ gmail . com
Thanks for sharing!
I just taught my kiddos this trick yesterday! Thanks for the freebie!
Kinder Kraziness
My kiddos too!! It's been a year for stuff like this. Thanks for the freebie! Downloaded, printed, laminated and on the way to the wall. 🙂
This is so cute! It is still tricky for some of my kiddos!
I would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance. =)
Heather's Heart