I can’t believe we are already into the second full week of October! Our parent-teacher conference day is next week! I can’t wait to tell all my moms and dads how much their sweeties have learned! Our district is going to try a 1:30-7:30 conference day, then a fall break day the day after! I’ll need that day to rest up, and hopefully get my voice back! lol
This week’s Peek-at-my-Week (thanks again Deedee) is all about Fire Safety, the new sight word “see”, and brand new center activities that focus on high frequency words in a new way.
I am using a super fabulous activity for Fire Safety morning work on Monday! It’s A Differentiated Kinder’s famous “I Spy Letters” feature in a Fire Safety themed set. Hop on over to her store to grab it if you are in need of something really fun and engaging.
The other brand new center activity I am rolling out is my version of a color-resist activity featuring
seasonable sentence tracing pages. Just trace with a white crayon, then paint with water colors for a “magical” appearing sentence! One set is for schools who allow Halloween themed items and the other is a fall set that does not have Halloween art. Grab either one in my store! And…there is a one page freebie if you download my visual plans for this week. You will find links to other activities that I’m using this week too!
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