“Yes!”, said every kinder teacher EVER!!! The beginning of school…ahhhh…is there anything else that challenges both body and mind more? I think not.
Teaching procedures, routines, creating anchor chart after anchor chart, and teaching kids how to write ANYthing can be tiring. So, I am bringing back something old, introducing something new, and announcing a winner all in the same post! Hooray for multi-tasking! And…of course, tomorrow is my new Peek-at-My-Week visual plan set for the coming week. Busy, busy!
In 2011, I created an “inspired” (lol) set of letter sequencing activities for the beginning of school as a Response to Intervention (RTI) tool, and decided to share it on my blog. I cannot tell you how many teachers have written to say they loved it, so I am reposting the link to this useful FREEBIE.
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