1. Have you heard of this site? http://adventuretofitness.com
What I love about Adventure To Fitness is all the ways each song and exercises make kids
cross the mid-line. Cross lateral movement is crucial in developing young minds–getting those
hemispheres to work together, so I start our day every day with a song from this site! Here is a
sample video:
2. Another one of my favorites is Harry Kindergarten’s Youtube Channel. He is a terrific
kinder teacher who has an equally talented brother who works on new and exciting
videos that really affect student learning. He uses them for his own kinder kids, so you
know they are of top quality standards-wise, and loads of fun! Rumor has it that Pete will
have a store so you can purchase his songs too!
3. Another great thing I like to do is Have a whole group to sing the Heidi Songs Volumes 1, 2, or 3
Word DVDs. My kids love the “polar bear, underwear” words in her White color word song.
Here is an example of her songs:
4. Another thing I do is sing the BINGO song using student names! I begin with a booklet
I have made with the song, then end up singing EVERY KID’s name for the whole
kindergarten on a rainy day! This seems to hold their attention better than anything we do.
Kids are all about self-esteem and hearing their own name, so, if you haven’t tried it, you need
to! And now, here is my freebie for you. You can make your own BINGO book! The text is
Century Gothic, so you should be able to replace names with your own student names. However,
You can also highlight the text and change to your own font if you like! I print a book for each
student, then we highlight known words and our own name. Enjoy!
Have a great day!
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