I made myself a new poster with the “How to Hold a Pencil” song on it. Grab it if you need one :) June 5, 2012 1 Comment I love the Handwriting Without Tears diddy that helps students to remember how to hold a pencil! It’s a great way to get ready to write, and this year, my Voki is going to help them sing it. Grab a copy here if you can use this too 🙂
1 Lori Rosenberg says June 5, 2012 at 10:18 pm Thanks, Maggie! This is perfect! Lori (luvyorkies@gmail.com)Teaching With Love and Laughter Reply
Lori Rosenberg says
Thanks, Maggie! This is perfect!
Lori (luvyorkies@gmail.com)
Teaching With Love and Laughter