My little RTI group has been working on building cvc words, or word families, and I just couldn’t resist making another silly story to keep them interested in reading _an words, and I even made it seasonally appropriate! lol Here’s how our RTI sessions roll:
We meet for 30 minutes each day, beginning each session with a letter sound song, such as Barbara Milne’s Letter Sound Song on our Smartboard:
(Day 1) After chanting the letter sound song (one of many available on youtube), we play a smart notebook game that I made to practice recognizing word family words. Mama hens are named Pat, Pig, etc., and their baby chicks have names that rhyme with the family name. My kids get so good at drag and drop across the barnyard as they match chicks to the correct hens! When we are finished I choose three students to draw a fence around the brood of chicks and their mamas so they won’t get away! Games like this keep everyone focused and ready to do some “play” learning.
Here is the link to the game on Google docs 🙂
(doc removed temporarily for an update) PLEASE check back for a free smartboard game. It should be ready by Friday evening (June 14, 2013).
(Day 2) After we sing the opening letter sound song and alphabet chart chant using my alphabet power point chant, we talk about the word family story being featured this week, then we look at the activity on our Smartboard. We talk about sensible words after we sound out the words in the word bank, then everyone goes to tables to get started! This activity can be completed in about ten minutes. We meet back on the carpet for a quick check in and a sticker! Making up silly stories is just one way that I try to make learning fun.
A man had a fan.
The turkey ran.
The turkey can fan!
Hope this little post helps your little RTI groups too! How do you teach word families? Leave your ideas in a comment! Love those comments!
Click on the picture to grab it!
Toodles for now!
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