Here is an apple tree freebie that I made to use this week with my kiddos! Anytime we do an activity that requires cutting and pasting letters to make words, we review the concept of letters, and how they are only letters by themselves; but when we arrange those same letters a certain way…magic happens! The make a word! I love feedback, so let me know if this worked for you. The words are the and little (the sequence comes from our Reading Street series.
~*~Ashley Cross~*~ says
Just found your blog!
Very cute! 🙂
❤Teaching Happily Ever After❤
~Creative Teaching with a Technology Twist~
Pinellas rubber stamp says
Letters and words are very im[important for Create nameplates and creativity.
Miss Linda's Seahorses says
I am trying to find Maggies name printing forms and cannot get into Maggies website. Perhaps the form is listed somewhere on the blog. I love the site. Thanks for your help.
It's me...Maggie at MKC! says
I am sorry. I closed the site because of the cost per year, but am working on getting those things on my google docs site. Sorry 🙂