Vanessa Levin, along with other bloggers, is hosting a book study on the Literacy Beginnings book by Fountas and Pinnell. Two chapters have been highlighted already, and the fountain of ideas is flowing! If you haven’t checked it out yet, be sure to take a look! It is fantastic! Here is a link to the discussion on chapter two.
On another note, I went to two of my favorite All-American places today: Steak and Shake, and Walmart! My hubby and I rarely eat in, so it was nice to just enjoy a great steakburger together this afternoon. Then…I went to the Walmart crafts section and found…are you ready??? Glow-In-The-Dark-Chalk!!! I had planned this particular trip for just that purpose. I was on a mission. My review is not complete yet, but it is about 9.00 a box. My plan is to put a chalkboard up in an appliance box that is lined with black paper, has a curtain, and a small chalkboard inside. Students will use this as a literacy work station to write letters and words. Of course, I will be looking for bargains on this chalk as the year progresses as I think it will be a very popular station.
Crayola also makes glow in the dark markers. I may add a paper station to the opposite wall of the box that would allow them to take their work home 🙂
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